

聖誕新界東北驚喜之旅 -- 漫遊三椏荔枝窩 烏蛟騰賞楓葉
Christmas Gifts from the nature -- Beautiful scenes from Lai Chi Wo and Sam A Village with SpecialMAPLE LEAVES WATCHING tour @ Wu Kau Tang, Northeast NT

(大埔火車站→20C 小巴 [烏蛟騰特別班次] →烏蛟騰村→烏蛟騰郊遊徑→荔枝窩→荔枝窩自然步道→三椏村→三椏灣→步向九担租→草原賞楓葉→山路回新娘潭→巴士96R 回市區)
(Tai Po Market Railway Station→Minibus no. 20C [Wu Kau Tang Special Departure] →Wu Kau Tang Village→Wu Kau Tang Country Trail→Lai Chi Wo→Lai Chi Wo Nature Trail→Sam A Village→Sam A Bay→Go for Kau Tam Tso [The way for Wu Kau Tang] →Maple watch @ Wu Kau Tang→Mountain trail for Bride's Pool BBQ site→Bus no. 96R for Tai Po Market Railway Station)


For Lai Chi Wo and Sam A village:













Maple leaves watching @ Wu Kau Tang



又是一年一度聖誕大長征!!! 遠離嘈雜鬧市人群, 到郊野享受難得的寧靜!! 早上九時在大埔火車站出發, 乘坐往烏蛟騰的 20C 小巴, 約 30分鐘便到了烏蛟騰村!! 下車後向荔枝窩方向走, 綠色的小屋前便是烏蛟騰郊遊徑的入口, 可通往荔枝窩村.
Christmas has come!!! It is also the day for our annual Christmas Long Walk!! A good chance to escape from the crowd and enjoy a really "peaceful" Xmas!! :D
Started from 9 am this morning, we gathered @ Tai Po Market railway station, and then we caught the minibus no.20C (Remember to get the one named "Wu Kau Tang Special Departure"). Within 30 minutes, we arrived Wu Kau Tang. From here, we started our walk to Lai Chi Wo, via Wu Kau Tang Country Trail, which is just in front of this little green hut (a container, actually).

經過重重斜坡, 終於看見往荔枝窩的指示牌, 還有一大段路才到達!!!! 郊遊徑內全是樹林, 空氣非常清新!!
We had walked through lots of steep slopes and steps and finally we could see the direction sign for Lai Chi Wo!!! Ooops, still a long way to go!!! But the cold and fresh air in the forest made us feel Great!!!

一直上山, 終於到了在山頂上的亞媽芴. 昔日這裡原來有村落, 現在仍依稀可見村屋的遺跡. 附近有直昇機坪, 應該是給昔日村民提供緊急救援服務用的.
We kept on moving uphill and now we were @ A Ma Wat, which used to be a very old village in the past, we could still find some remains of old village houses on the ground. There is a helicopter pad near this place, it should be for emergency / rescue purposes.

分水凹的紀念碑-- 為了感謝昔日捐款興建樓梯, 以方便村民出入的善長而立.
Now we were @ Fan Shui Au-- this is NOT a tomb, it is a monument to memorise those who had donated $$$$ for building staircases for the villagers living here decades ago.

沿斜坡下山, 途中會經過珠門田廢村.... 不進村, 沿主路繼續前往荔枝窩.
Going downhill from a slope and you will see an old and abandoned village, "Chu Mun Tin". Don't go to that way, remember to stick to the main road for Lai Chi Wo.

過河後, 很快便會看見此焚化爐, 這裡便是荔枝窩村.
We crossed the river and walked for a while, from here we could see a big chimney and a trash burner (can we call it incinerator?? It is not big enough....)

到了荔枝窩村外, 即進村內參觀.
Now we were @ Lai Chi Wo Village-- a typical Hakka walled village. Let's go inside for a visit!!

Lots of traditional Hakka village houses here!!!

Now we were @ Hing Chun Yeurk Seven Villages Square (A public square for the 7 villages of Sha Tau Kok).

Hip Tin Kung Temple (Top) and Hok Shan Temple - with Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva statue inside (Bottom)

村中的學校, 現已成為廚房.
Old village school-- no more students now. It has become a kitchen serving the visitors during public holidays.

今天天氣極佳, 很多遊人都聚在戶外午飯, 雖然氣溫下降但無損大家的興奮.
Sunny and dry today, with lots of visitors having lunch under these banyan trees (including us!!). Although the temperature was low, we still enjoyed a happy day here!!

See what we had ordered -- Fresh vegetables!!!

重點推介 ---> 傳統客家甜點 -- 花生芝麻糯米糍 -- 極之美味, 不吃一個是你的損失!
The best Hakka snacks -- Hakka Mochi (glutinous rice cake), with peanuts and sesame inside, the best mochi I have ever tried!!!

鄰座遊人的客家盆菜宴, 巨型盆菜一個.... 不知有沒有素食盆菜呢????
A big basin @ the table next to ours (Looking for one which is suitable for vegans!!!!!!).... the first time for me to see an authentic Hakka village big bowl feast / basin feast (In Cantonese it is called Poon Choi)!!!!! This is a kind of family reunion meal for Hakka people, with lots of vegetables and meat put into a big basin layer by layer. Really want to order one which is suitable for vegans!!!!
For more information please read "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poon_choi"

千萬不要吃....!!! 這是有毒的癲茄!!!
It looks attractive but it is poisonous!!! --- Soda apple (poisonous tomato)

到荔枝窩的碼頭一遊, 暖窩的獅子看來有點害羞....
Now we arrived the pier of Lai Chi Wo, Tachibana san met a shy lion near the doorway.

Had a look @ the beautiful scenes of Double Haven.

Now we moved to the Feng Shui Woodland to have a look @ the famous hollow tree!!

荔枝窩特別地區的確特別.... :P
@ Lai Chi Wo Special Area.

路途遙遠, 很快便要離開荔枝窩, 向自然步道進發.
We still had a long way to go.... we were leaving Lai Chi Wo now and going for a walk @ the Lai Chi Wo Nature Trail.

White-flower derris @ Lai Chi Wo Nature Trail.

再見, 荔枝窩!!!! 向三椏進發了.
Goodbye, Lai Chi Wo, now we were moving to Sam A Village.

Beautiful scenes from Yan Chau Tong (Double Haven) Marine Park.

Very old village house of Siu Tang village.

Now we had reached Sam A Village.

三椏村的合益蜂場及食店, 今天充滿遊人, 店外便是一片大草原.
Hop Yik Bee Farm and restaurant @ Sam A Village, with lots of visitors today!!!! There is a large piece of grassland near the bee farm.

到了三椏灣, 景色美麗得驚人. 海邊全是紅石, 水清澈得可看見海底的螺.
Very surprised to see such beautiful scenes @ Sam A Bay!!!!!!!!! Red rocks along the seacoast, and the water is so clear that you can see lots of shells crawling everywhere!!

離開三椏村之前, 別忘了跟新界東北最高的山 -- 吊燈籠 來個合照.
Time to leave Sam A Village.... Don't forget to have a photo with the highest peak in Northeast NT -- Tiu Tang Lung peak.

You can hardly forget you have seen such beautiful scenes from Sam A!!

到達三椏涌, 再穿林前進.
Now we had reached Sam A Chung, time for the forest walk....

下面是一條河道, 稍作小休.
There is a long river at the bottom of this part, we had a rest with some snacks here.

經過下苗田及上苗田, 離終點烏蛟騰漸近.
We walked via Ha Miu Tin and Sheung Miu Tin, now we were near the end point -- Wu Kau Tang again.

終於到達九担租村, 已累得一團糟.....
Finally we were @ Kau Tam Tso Village..... really exhausted!!!!

來自大自然的一份特別的聖誕禮物!!!!! 在步回烏蛟騰村的途中, 看見大量的楓樹, 紅葉盛放的美景令人忘了疲倦, 即衝到楓林內!!!!!
Merry Christmas!!!!! A big gift from the nature and Santa!!!! When we were going back to Wu Kau Tang village, we saw lots of maple trees along the trail, the beautiful red leaves are so attractive that we didn't feel tired at all, we just running to the trees and had photos with them!!! Thanks Santa!!!

Wu Kau Tang Village @ sunset time.

天色漸暗, 快快經烏蛟騰村的山路到新娘潭, 乘巴士回火車站.
Getting dark and we quickly walked via the mountain trail @ Wu Kau Tang Village for Bride's Pool BBQ site. Time to get a bus and go back to Tai Po town centre for dinner!!

