

重陽登高 Go Go Go 2013 ~~ 遊山玩水 @ 大埔沙螺洞
Chung Yeung Festival Special (2013) ~~ Great Fun @ Sha Lo Tung, Tai Po

(大埔火車站→九巴 74K→鳳園路站→沙螺洞路→沙螺洞張屋村→下山至鳳園蝴蝶園)
(Tai Po Market Railway Station→KMB bus no. 74K→Get off @ Fung Yuen Road bus-stop→Sha Lo Tung Road→Sha Lo Tung Village [Cheung Uk Village] →Downhill to Fung Yuen Butterfly Reserve from Sha Lo Tung Road)






今天是重陽節, 中國的傳統是在今日登山以避開一切災難. 所以今天便去登高了. 在大埔乘坐74K 巴士然後在鳳園路站下車後, 再沿鳳園遊樂場後面的沙螺洞路步行一小時上山, 前往沙螺洞村.
Today is Chung Yeung Festival, a traditional Chinese festival. On this day, people can get great fortune and free from disasters if they go up to mountains, so we all go for hiking this morning. Started from Tai Po Bus Terminus, we took KMB bus no.74K and got off @ Fung Yuen Road Bus-stop. Then we walked uphill via Sha Lo Tung Road, which is at the back of Fung Yuen Playground. After an hour's walk, we reached Sha Lo Tung Village at the hillside.

到了沙螺洞~~~ 到處都是綠色!!! 我們先步向右側的李屋村. 由於李屋村已荒廢多年, 到處長滿雜草, 昔日的村落已給森林吞噬, 只餘下村口的一所破舊村屋.
Now we were @ Sha Lo Tung Village!!! First we walked to the right-hand side for Li Uk Village. Nobody is living in Li Uk Village now, it has been abandoned for decades and the whole village is already covered by the forest. Grass and trees everywhere and even the village road is also buried under dried grass. Only one house near the entrance of the village can still be found.

離開李屋村, 到左邊的張屋村. 張屋村昔日是大村落, 人口甚多, 但今天只剩下一戶居民居住. 遠看村落很有特色, 但村落大部份已給樹木掩蓋, 只能遠望而難以走近.
We left Li Uk and turned left for Cheung Uk Village. It used to be a large village with lots of residents, but now only one family is still living there. The village houses look nice with the GREEN surroundings, but it is very difficult for us to get near for a look, as the whole village is now "occupied" by trees and grass.

Just had a walk near Ping Shan Chai.

一踏古老木橋, 森林內有池塘及沼澤.
We found an old wooden bridge in the woods, with a pond and swamps deep inside the bushes.

村內惟一的住戶, 及他們的食檔.
The only family in this village, with their food stall.

Flowers of citrus fruit.. with calamondins also!!

食檔內有不少古老及有趣的擺設~~ 大紅燈籠高高掛.... 還有火水燈!!!!
There are lots of interesting stuff in the food stall.... old red lanterns.... oh, we could find some kerosene lamps hanging there!!!

We ordered a dish of "tung choi" (a kind of Chinese water spinach), then the food-stall owner picked the vegetables from his field and cooked for us!! 100% freshness guarantee!! With a bottle of salted calamondin juice, which is used to soothe dry throat during cold and dry seasons.

A lovely mongrel!

食檔內的爐灶, 仍是使用柴火的.
Old stove inside the food stall, the owner still uses firewood for cooking!!

Goats of the village!!!

食檔沒有冷氣, 但不覺得熱.... 何解?? 原來村民利用自製的空調系統~~~ 水泵, 水管及水來令食檔變得清涼!!! 水泵把池內的水泵到圍繞屋頂的水管, 水從水管再流回池中, 既可省電又可循環使用!!!!
It was quite hot this afternoon but we still felt cool and comfortable in the food stall (without any air-conditioners!!) ... WHY??? Oh, let's take a look at the cooling system which is made by the owner outside his stall!!
There are water pipes installed on the roof of the food stall, which is attached to a big water pump (The big jumping carp). Water is pumped from the big tank and then flow into the water pipes to cool down the whole place. Then water will flow back to the tank again for continuous use!!! (Smart idea to save $$$$$ and environment-friendly!!) The stall owner also put packs of water hanging down from the ceiling which can absorb the heat!!!

The village houses are very old.

下山去鳳園, 在山上可清楚看到大埔的景觀.
Now we were walking downhill for Fung Yuen. We could see very clearly the scenes of Tai Po from the hillside.

