

Winter long walk via the peaks of Kowloon town centre

(Choi Hung MTR station→Minibus for Sai Kung→Get down @ Fei Ngo Shan Road→Fei Ngo Shan Road→Fei Ngo Shan [Kowloon Peak]→Tung Yeung Shan peak→Gilwell Campsite→Tate's Cairn→Shatin Pass Road→Tsz Wan Shan peak→Unicorn Ridge→Lion Rock→Kowloon Pass→Beacon Hill→Downhill via Lung Yan Road→Phoenix House Bus-stop)










今天來個特別的登山遊 --- 在九龍鬧市登山!! 九龍市區一向給人一個擁擠的感覺, 但其實在石屎森林之上, 亦有很多高山!!! 在彩虹地鐵站起步, 登上往西貢的 1A 小巴, 在飛鵝山道下車, 先往飛鵝山(603米)一遊.
It is the time to have a special hike --- Hiking @ Kowloon Town Centre, the most crowded part of Kowloon!! Surprised?? Kowloon town centre sounds like a place full of commercial buildings, shopping malls, cars and people everywhere... yeah, you are RIGHT, but besides the skyscrapers, there are also a number of mountains surrounding Kowloon.
Started from Choi Hung MTR station, we took minibus no.1A (for Sai Kung) and got off @ Fei Ngo Shan Road. Now it is the time to begin our adventure today @ the FIRST scenic spot -- Fei Ngo Shan peak / Kowloon Peak (Height: 603 m).

沿飛鵝山道上山, 先進入馬鞍山郊野公園的範圍, 再上行會看見國父孫中山母親的靈墓, 在百花林內. 由於我們不是去百花林, 所以還是回到飛鵝山道繼續前進.
Stick to Fei Ngo Shan Road, now we were entering Ma On Shan Country Park. We could also find the way for Elderly Lady Yang's cemetery (Dr. Sun Yat-sen's mother) @ Pak Fa Lam (Forest with hundred kinds of flowers). As we were not going to Pak Fa Lam today, we continued our way via Fei Ngo Shan Road.

終於到了基維爾營地附近!!! 請注意:-- 營地並非在山上!!!!! 而是在指示牌後的一條小小的行人路上, 但因為沒有另一個指示牌, 我們都走錯了路, 跑到後面衛奕信徑所在的東洋山上!!!!!!
Now we were near Gilwell Campsite. But please note that Gilwell Campsite is NOT on the hill!!! The little footpath leading to Gilwell campsite is outside the entrance of Wilson Trail!! As there is no other direction signs showing the way for the campsite, we all went to the wrong way --- up to the hill (Tung Yeung Shan) which is part of Wilson Trail.

找錯地方上錯山!!!! 我們誤以為基維爾營地在這山上, 急不及待走到這座叫東洋山的小山上..... :P
Oooops!! We had made a mistake!!! We think that Gilwell campsite is located @ this hill, so we started our walk from this hill -- Tung Yeung Shan peak.

由於東洋山並非政府管理的山徑, 所以山路基本上都是天然的, 沒有維修, 沙石極多, 有些部份較狹窄要兩手並用來攀爬. 要上山就要多注意!!! 由於我在弄傷了膝, 上不到山頂了....
Tung Yeung Shan Peak is not an official trail managed by the government (EXCEPT the part for Wilson Trail), so there is no maintenance done to the path leading to the hilltop. That part is narrow and slippery, you need to use both hands when climbing up to the hilltop. I hurt my knees while climbing up too hard for the hilltop, finally I had to give up and crawled down...

雖然上不了山頂, 但附近也看到很多美麗的山景!!!! (膝痛得要像貓一般向山下爬行!!!)
Although I could not get to the hilltop (all my team-mates already reached the top!!!!), I could still get these beautiful mountain scenes while I was crawling down!!!! (The pain from my knees made me fail to stand up straight at that time, I could only manage to go down by crawling like a cat!!)

Finally we found Gilwell campsite.

基維爾營地旁有小路通向大老山, 大老山的山徑很容易走, 非常清涼舒暢.
There is a footpath next to Gilwell Campsite which is leading to Tate's Cairn. The trail for Tate's Cairn is very hiker-friendly.

Remember you should stick to the way for MacLehose Trail.

大老山上看牛池灣, 慈雲山及鑽石山.
A scene of Ngau Chi Wan, Tsz Wan Shan and Diamond Hill near the top of Tate's Cairn (Tai Lo Shan, over 570m)

大老山上的戰時遺跡 -- 山洞!!
War relics @ Tate's Cairn -- A cave is here!!!

離開大老山, 到了飛鵝山道的另一邊, 這裡有涼亭可供小休. 在此接入沙田坳道, 踏上慈雲山.
Leaving Tate's Cairn and we reached the other side of Fei Ngo Shan Road, there is a pavilion for the hikers. From here, we went for Tsz Wan Shan via Shatin Pass Road (the way for BOTH Wilson Trail and MacLehose Trail).

Looking back for Fei Ngo Shan (Kowloon Peak).

We could see the buildings of Diamond Hill from here.

Now we were @ the Lion Pavilion on Shatin Pass Road.

獅子亭旁邊是十二芴村的入口, 有食店可供遊人吃點輕食.
The entrance for Shap Yi Wat village is near Lion Pavilion, where there is a food stall providing dessert (sweet tofu pudding), snacks, noodles and drinks for hikers.

沿食店外的行人路續行至麥理浩徑, 由此上去雞胸山及獅子山, 這裡是沙田坳, 位於黃大仙與沙田的中間.
Walking along the road outside the food stall for another part of MacLehose Trail (Stage 5), for Unicorn Ridge and Lion Rock. This part is called Shatin Pass, just in between Wong Tai Sin and Shatin.

雞胸山上望向山下的黃大仙, 大廈林立, 非常侷促.
City watch @ Unicorn Ridge -- we could see the buildings of Wong Tai Sin District, it is really very very crowded.

走入獅子山範圍, 向筆架山方向進發, 仍有一大段路線呢.
Now we were @ Lion Rock, moving towards Beacon Hill, still 2.6km ahead, hurry up!!

獅子山上的路標石, 昔日為英軍所用, 路上有很多.
A marker stone @ Lion Rock -- there are lots of marker stones along the trail of Lion Rock, they were used as markers by the British Army in the past. (So this is why the Japanese soldiers knew about the location of the military base??)

由此路上獅子頭 (獅子山的山頂)
This way for the "Lion Head" (The top of Lion Rock)

沒有走上獅子頭, 繼續向筆架山方向前進, 看山徑上的戰時遺跡 -- 路標石及機槍堡 (機槍掩體)
Tachibana san did not go to the Lion Head (Hilltop), he kept on walking along the trail for more war relics -- Marker stones and Pillbox (circular shelter with a gun inside for defence purpose) !!!

A little sun / rain shelter built by hikers in the past, over half a century.

HK Reunification Pavilion.... nothing worth to celebrate, not interested in this.

到了九龍坳, 繼續向筆架山進發.
Now @ Kowloon Pass, we continued our walk for Beacon Hill.

向天空一望, 赫然看見月亮已出現, 接近日落時間, 真的要加快步伐了!!!
Looking up to the sky and very surprised to see Miss Luna (the Moon) was hanging there, reminding us that it was near the time for sunset. We really had to hurry up and rush to the end point before getting dark.... it is not funny to have a night hike when you havn't got a torch.

Looking back for the Lion Head -- the top of Lion Rock... it doesn't look like a lion any more....!!

夕陽下的筆架山森林, 真的很美.
Beautiful woods @ Beacon Hill, during sunset time.

筆架山上的戰時遺跡 -- 隧道及路標石.
War relics @ Beacon Hill -- a tunnel and a marker stone.

筆架山上的觀景台, 飽覽九龍市區樓景.
Now @ Beacon Hill Viewing point, you can have a look for the skyscrapers of Kowloon.

又是夕陽無限好..... 在山上想嘗試找一下自己的居處, 但時間緊迫, 只能待下一回再來..... 嗚嗚.... :P
Tried hard to look for the building I am living in but really had to leave ASAP, it was getting darker and darker.... no way, we have to wait for the next time for this... bye, Beacon Hill (in tears) :P

跑離筆架山, 到達龍欣道, 已在筆架山的山頂附近.
We rushed to Lung Yan Road and now near the top of Beacon Hill.

終於到達筆架山的山頂!!! (高度: 458米)
Finally we had reached the top of Beacon Hill (approx. height: 458m)

山頂上的雷達發射站, 死光一發, 射得花老 B 暈陀陀..... :P
Radar station @ the hilltop -- radar hit Tachibana San.... he fainted....

山頂上的龍珠?!?!??! 是天文台的氣象站而已.
Dragon Ball @ the top of Beacon Hill?!??!??! It is just an automatic weather station from the HK Observatory.

Baby monkeys were playing along Lung Yan Road.

沿龍欣道下山, 趕及天黑之前下山了, 真好!!!
We went downhill via Lung Yan Road -- the right time to get back for the main traffic road before getting dark!!!

晨運客的大本營 -- 有自製的啞鈴!!!!!
We had found the joggers' corner~!!!!! Even with home-made dumbbells!!

A little bit of forest scene.

Radiation Risk!!!!!!! A quarantine is needed??????

從長長的龍欣道下山, 終於到了豐力樓巴士站, 已過了六時, 是晚飯的時間了.
We walked for a long way down to the Phoenix House bus-stop via Lung Yan Road. It was already 6 pm, time for a big dinner!!

