

重陽登高Go Go Go 2012!!!
Autumn Hike @ 2012 Chung Yeung Festival
(大埔火車站20C 小巴[烏蛟騰特別班次]→烏蛟騰→九担租→回新娘潭→照鏡潭→回大埔火車站)
(Minibus no. 20C from Tai Po Market Railway station [Wu Kau Tang Special Departure]→Wu Kau Tang→Kau Tam Tso→Back to Bride's Pool→Chiu Keng Tam pool→Back to Tai Po Market Railway station)






今早在大埔火車站下的小巴總站, 等了一小時才登上20C 的烏蛟騰特別班次(其他是往大尾篤)!!! 所以到達後已接近中午!!! 先在烏蛟騰村起步, 向九担租的方向前進.
This morning we had been waiting for a minibus no. 20C (Remember to take the Wu Kau Tang Special Departure!! Otherwise the minibus will stop @ Tai Mei Tuk!!!) at the minibus terminus of Tai Po Market Railway Station for ONE whole hour!!!!
This is why it was near noon-time when we arrived Wu Kau Tang!! We quickly got started from Wu Kau Tang Village, and then walked to the way for Kau Tam Tso.

前往九担租的路上, 我們發現有一隱蔽在樹林中的小徑, 忍不住進去一探, 發現有不錯的溪澗, 四處亦非常幽靜. 在此作個小休, 吃點零食.
While walking along the way for Kau Tam Tso, we discovered a footpath covered by bushes. We went inside to have a look, then we found a stream there with beautiful surroundings and very quiet @ this side. We had a little bit rest here with snacks.

重回主路再前走, 看見有石橋在叢林內!! 即往叢林內一探, 原來內有荒廢村屋及排水設備, 看來像是荒廢了的果園.
We went back to the main path and then we saw something like a bridge in between some trees.... We quickly went down to have a look... oooops, there is an old stone bridge, with some old and simple water drainage facilities and an old village house nearby. This place looks like an abandoned orchard.

The gate of Kau Tam Tso village is already locked.

Just spent a few minutes to look @ the beautiful mountain scenes of this area.

We saw some shrimps in the rivers!

從折徑步向新娘潭, 大約10-15分鐘的路程
A short-cut for Bride's Pool in Wu Kau Tang Village, you can reach Bride's Pool in just 10-15 minutes.

We had a rest @ the stream-side of Bride's Pool.

前往山上的照鏡潭, 一看此地有名的瀑布. 今天瀑布上現出彩虹, 非常奇妙!!
We went uphill for "Chiu Keng Tam", for the well-known beautiful waterfall of this place. A rainbow appeared on the waterfall this afternoon, so amazing!

今天很清涼, 不少人帶著愛犬到此玩耍!!
The weather was dry and cool today, many people brought along their dogs for fun!!

在石上坐了很久, 越坐越清涼, 原來已接近黃昏, 收拾行裝後在燒烤場外拍了些照片, 急急趕到巴士站乘車.
We sat on the rocks and had quite a long chat!! We felt that it became more and more windy and much cooler! Oh, it was near the time for sunset, so we quickly packed up and rushed to the entrance of the BBQ site for a last "photo-shoot"!!! And then we went to the bus-terminus to get a bus for Tai Po Railway station.

回到大埔, 是晚飯的時間了~ 看這些年宵市場的競投海報... 又一年了.....
Back to Tai Po and it's the time for dinner.... wooo, see these posters for the New Year Market stalls.... one year has passed.... just a few months before the coming of Chinese New Year!

