

炎炎夏日戲黃龍~~ 東涌黃龍坑短遊
Playing with Yellow Dragon under heatwave~~ Short walk @ Wong Lung Hang (Yellow Dragon Stream) Road, Tung Chung, Lantau
(東涌地鐵站→NLB 38號巴士至松仁路(逸東邨美逸樓站)→步往馬灣村→黃龍坑道→赤立角村→漫遊黃龍坑及東涌谷)
(Tung Chung MTR station→NLB bus no.38 for Chung Yan Road (bus-stop @ Mei Yat House, Yat Tung Estate)→Walk to Ma Wan Village→Wong Lung Hang Road→Chek Lap Kok Village→Fun fun fun @ Yellow Dragon Stream and Tung Chung valley)







今早下了一場大雨後, 天色又放晴!!! 立即趕往東涌地鐵站外, 再乘 38號巴士 (往逸東邨)於松仁路的逸東邨美逸樓外下車. 然後步上天橋, 向馬灣村(東涌道方向) 前進.
After a heavy rain this morning, finally the sun came out!!!! Rushing to Tung Chung MTR station, we then took an NLB bus no.38, which is going to Yat Tung Estate. We got off @ Chung Yan Road bus-stop, which is just outside Mei Yat House of Yat Tung Estate, from there, just walk via the pedestrian flyover for Ma Wan Village and Tung Chung Road. There are so many beautiful scenes along the road.

到了東涌道, 沿路牌步向天后廟方向 (黃龍坑道入口).
Now we were @ Tung Chung Road, just follow the direction sign for Tin Hau Temple, which leads you to Wong Lung Hang Road.

沿黃龍坑道前行, 很快到了赤立角村及天后廟. 此天后廟是香港惟一以全麻石建成, 從昔日的赤立角島運過來, 是有名的景點!!
Walking along Wong Lung Hang Road and we reached Chek Lap Kok Village and Tin Hau Temple in 2-3 minutes!! This Tin Hau Temple is a famous scenic spot, it is also the ONLY temple ALL made of stones (without using any bricks!!) in HK!! It is re-located to Tung Chung from Chek Lap Kok Island, due to the construction of HK Int'l Airport.

繼續在黃龍坑道前進, 路上無遮無掩, 陽光很猛烈!!
We continued our long walk along Wong Lung Hang Road~~ NO shelters at all!! Very shiny and hot!!

路上有很多山林美景, 途中有山水可供使用!! (村民把水喉接上山澗, 山水源源不絕)
Beautiful mountain scenes and streams everywhere along Wong Lung Hang Road. Villagers connected a long water tubing to this stream for stream water!! (Water is from Sunset Peak)

沿沙徑下去看山景!!! 山下有不少溪澗小湖, 很美.
We walked downhill from a bumpy path for beautiful scenes!! Lots of rivers and little ponds here!!

途中遇上好色的山谷之神..... 看這塊石頭!!!
Erotic deity of valley is living in this place.... see this stone!! We call it "Stone of Maculinity"

A "secret path" for the old Tei Po Village, now is next to Chek Lap Kok village.

Just ignore this and keep on walking along Wong Lung Hang Road.

終於到了黃龍坑郊遊場地, 非常寧靜舒適.
Now we were @ Wong Lung Hang Picnic Area, a perfect place for picnic, nobody is around!!

回到黃龍坑道, 有秘道在此..... 下去探視一下.... OH!! 有個湖!!!
Back to Wong Lung Hang Road, there are some stone steps here....!! Okay, let's go down to have a look.... Oh!! There is a pool!!

夏日炎炎, 很多村民都跑到湖中暢泳, 不過湖水很深, 水底又很多石頭, 天氣不穩定時隨時水位急速上升.
Very hot and many villagers were swimming in the pool.... but the water is quite deep with sharp rocks on the riverbed. As the weather is not so stable these few weeks, the water may rise to a dangerous level in just a few minutes when the rain suddenly comes.

湖畔有村民自製的休憩處, 泳後在此小休.
A little hut made by the villagers for swimmers to have a nap @ the poolside.

