

Short walk @ Discovery Bay
(Sunny Bay MTR station→Bus for Discovery Bay→Discovery Valley Road→Discovery Bay Reservoir→Back from the same route)








又是晴天, 上天果然待我們不薄!!! 在旺角來個素食飲茶, 於欣澳站乘愉景灣巴士到愉景灣一遊. 在愉景灣碼頭旁集合, 看花老B 多快樂!!
Sunny and warm again, what a nice day!!! We had a "yum-cha" as breakfast @ a vegetarian restaurant in Mong Kok, and then took a bus @ Sunny Bay MTR station for Discovery Bay. Then we gathered @ the pierside of Discovery Bay before we started. Tachibana san looked so happy this morning!!

從碼頭出發, 經愉景山道上山.
We started from the pier and walked up the slope via Discovery Valley Road.

在愉景山道的叢林中, 發現通向虎白石澗的秘道. 大家下去拍照時, 我的相機突然停止運作, 再也沒有回復正常!! 隊長自告奮勇以自創的心肺復甦法進行急救, 但卻意外令相機掉入溪澗中, 最後終於把它淹死了.... RIP, 相機. 幸好仍有手提電話充當相機...
When we were walking along Discovery Valley Road, we found a "secret path" in between the bushes for Fu Pak Stream!! We rushed down to the stream but when we were taking pictures there, my camera suddenly stopped functioning. I tried hard to wake it up but failed finally. Then our captain used a special kind of CPR (created by himself) to wake it up... but the worse was, he dropped it into the river!! Finally the camera drowned and passed away.... RIP... (T___T) Then for the rest of the day, I used my mobile phone for "photo-shooting"....

面對美麗的藍天白雲, 令人放下對相機死亡+破財的悲痛.
Beautiful sky and clouds!!! They can "relieve" my pain of losing both the camera and $$$ (for a new one)... :-D

接近老虎頭的山徑中, 我們又發現一秘道... 是另一山澗.
We were near Lo Fu Tau (The highest peak of Discovery Bay) and found another "secret path"... oh, a stream again!!

愉景灣水塘, 如油畫般美.
The reservoir of Discovery Bay is so beautiful!!

Big Bowl or Egg Mixer????

從水塘下山途中, 聽見草叢內有流水聲. 穿過樹林一探... 很美的溪澗!! 忍不住在此稍作休息, 享受一下陽光及山風.
We walked downhill from the reservoir and heard sound of stream.... we walked through bushes and then a beautiful stream is in front of us!! We had a little bit rest here, laughing, sunbathing....etc....

溪澗旁的樹上有可愛小狗 Charlie 的遺照, 牠在九月給巴士撞死了, 想必牠生前很喜歡在此溪澗玩耍吧.... 大家給牠送上野花一朵, 願牠早登極樂.
There is a photo of a lovely dog, Charlie, attached to a tree. Charlie was killed by a bus in September, I think he loved playing in this stream in the past.... We picked a flower for him, hope he is already on the Land of Ultimate Bliss.... RIP, Charlie.

