

早上~~ 市區登山行(灣仔):~ 灣仔峽道至姻緣石公園
Morning session~~ City Walk in Wan Chai:~ Wan Chai Gap Road to Lover's Stone Garden

由於天雨關係, 今早大家只去了姻緣石公園便下山回灣仔了.
Due to the thunderstorm this morning, we went downhill for Wan Chai in stead of going to HK Police Museum.
Will go there later again.
(Wu Chung House of Queen's Road East [Wan Chai]→Environmental Resource Centre→Wan Chai Gap Road→Bowen Road→Lover's Stone Garden→Back to Wan Chai Gap Road and back to Wan Chai)

由於一向甚少在市區登山, 所以這一個香港有名的景點~~ 姻緣石, 從未看過.
趁本星期六只有早上有空登山, 一於去看, 替花老B 找一個女友!! :P
I seldom go hiking in the city area, so I have never been to the Lover's Stone before.... which is one of the HK's famous scenic spots!!!
As I have another interesting event to attend in the afternoon in Causeway Bay, it is the right time to have a look @ the Lover's Stone... and I also can help Tachibana san to get a girl-friend!!! :D






午間:~~ 維多利亞公園香港廟會
Afternoon session:~~ HK Temple Fair @ Victoria Park, Causeway Bay

HK Temple Fair (Hosted by HK Taoist Association)




今早天色昏暗, 到了灣仔後, 更下著微雨!!! 幸好雨勢不大, 大家依照原定計劃, 從灣仔地鐵站出發, 經太原街到皇后大道東, 在胡忠大廈旁的環境資源中心起步, 經灣仔峽道上山!!
A cloudy morning with little bit of rain when we arrived Wan Chai MTR station. Luckily it was just a shower so we still stick to our walk. Started from Wan Chai MTR station, we walked via Tai Yuen Street for Queen's Road East, and then we stopped @ the Environment Resource Centre, which is just next to Wu Chung House. This lovely little white house used to be a post office in the past (it was NOT in white at first). Then we switched to Wan Chai Gap Road and kept on moving up the slope from there.

先通過第一段的灣仔峽道, 便到了堅尼地道. 然後過馬路到對面, 再繼續經第二段的灣仔峽道上山. (會有往姻緣石公園的指示牌)
We had finished the first part of Wan Chai Gap Road and reached Kennedy Road. From there, first we crossed the traffic road to the opposite side, and then continued our walk to the second part of Wan Chai Gap Road. You can see direction signs for Lover's Stone Garden nearby.

由此路(灣仔峽道第二段) 上山!! 此路非常傾斜, 今天因天雨關係, 更增加了難度!!! 當我們上山途中, 雨勢突然增強, 所以大家決定只去姻緣石一遊, 不再上去位處更高更斜山路上的警察博物館了. 今天大家陪伴隊長的秘書來拜姻緣石, 因為她怕一個人在郊外走, 所以大家成了她的護法!!! 不過, 姻緣石是非常有名的景點, 我從未來過, 也順道替花老B 找個女朋友吧 :P
We walked uphill from the 2nd part of Wan Chai Gap Road, this road is very very steep, it is more difficult for us to walk uphill on a rainy day like this morning!!!! When we were moving upwards, the rain suddenly became very strong, we had to grab the hand-drails in order to move up safely!! So we all agreed to give up the visit for HK Police Museum, which is at a higher slope @ Wan Chai Gap!! We came here with our leader's secretary, who wants to worship the Lover's Stone!!! Lover's Stone is a very famous scenic spot in HK, but I havn't been here before, today, let me help Tachibana San to get a girl-friend!
OKay, Lover's Stone, please wait for us!!

Waterfall and a dam @ Wan Chai Gap Road.

WANTED!!! Some wicked people put poisonous bait to kill dogs at this place!!!!

終於上了寶雲道!!! 先在充滿小橋流水的公園內來個小休, 路上亦有涼亭一座.
Now we were @ Bowen Road. Just had a rest @ the little park on the road. There are bridges and a little pavilion here also, very beautiful.

灣仔鬧市的小山丘上也有天然溪澗!!!! 令人驚喜.
Very surprised to see that there are streams and rivers @ the hillside of Wan Chai, a highly urbanised area!!!

經寶雲道去姻緣石公園, 途中可見美麗的山景及灣仔鬧市的建築物 (如合和中心). 今天天色不佳, 山上充滿霧氣, 看來另一場暴雨即將來臨, 要加快腳步了.
Walking via Bowen Road (for Lover's Stone Garden), where we could enjoy these beautiful mountain scenes, together with the city scenes of Wan Chai (e.g. Hopewell Building). The weather was not stable this morning, it was quite misty at the hilltop, another thunderstorm may come any time. Hurry up, guys, before we all get wet again!!

大梵天王(香港人口中的四面神)在此!! 你好, 大梵天王!!!
We could see a statue of Brahma @ Bowen Road, near the Lover's Stone Garden. Good morning, Brahma!!!

到了姻緣石公園!! 但仍要步上一大段階梯才能看見姻緣石!! 要找到好姻緣, 先要磨其筋骨, 行到腳軟.
Now we were @ Lover's Stone Garden..... but where is the Lover's Stone?? Oh!! It is at the hilltop!!!! You still need to walk upstairs from here!!! No Pain No Gain, a universal rule, you need to suffer before getting your true love, HaHaHaHaHa!!!!

未到姻緣石前, 有紅色風車, 聽說用手轉了會有助心想事成, 另有石神供人參拜, 信不信由你.
Before reaching the Lover's Stone, there are also a red fan and rock deities on the road.

終於見到姻緣石!!! 此石有石公及石婆, 即是兩位石神, 傳說中是掌管人的姻緣, 甚多人來拜祭.
Yes! Finally we could see Lover's Stone!! Actually the Lover's Stone is a combination of Male and Female deities of rocks, they are responsible for human beings' love and marriage. Many people come to worship them for true love.... believe it or not, just depends on you.

姻緣石附近, 可看到港島區的鬧市景色.
You can see wonderful scenes of the urban area of HK Island near the Lover's Stone.

回到寶雲道的林徑, 下山回灣仔鬧市
Back to Bowen Road and walked downslope for Wan Chai via Wan Chai Gap Road.

