

一年一度探竹篙~~ 竹篙灣探秘記 (竹篙灣+昂船凹短遊)
Annual visit to Penny's Bay (Short walk @ Penny's Bay & Ngon Shuen Au)
(DisneyLand MTR station→Inspiration Lake Resort Centre→"Secret" slope to Penny's Bay→Uphill to Ngon Shuen Au→Visit to old Penny's Bay village school~ Former Chuk Ko Wan Village [Penny's Bay] Recreation centre→back to Inspiration Lake)







今早突然下了一場大雨, 不過, 來到廸士尼地鐵站後, 又變得陽光普照! 依照原定行程, 大家一起步往竹篙灣. 不過, 先向廸欣湖方向進發.
It was rainy this morning but when we arrived DisneyLand station, it became sunny again!! Great!! We moved to the way for Inspiration Lake Recreation Centre before we went to Penny's Bay.

在廸欣湖內吃了簡單的午餐後 (多謝隊友提供的水果及粟米!!), 便向廸士尼酒店的方向前行, 進入竹篙灣的 "秘密通道" 就在路邊的樹叢內!! 由於天氣濕熱, 叢林中有很多昆蟲, 咬得我們手腳又癢又腫.....
Then we had lunch inside Inspiration Lake (Thanks the fruit and corn from our dearest team-mates!!!). After the meal, we moved to the way for DisneyLand Hotel, the "secret path" which leads us to Penny's Bay is in between the bushes along the traffic road (Magic Road). As it is already summer (very humid and hot), when we came out from the "secret path", we all found that there are lots of rashes on our legs, we suffered from pain and itch but the hungry bugs had a BIG meal!!

石澗, 小溪, 野花, 山景, 海岸...... 不論是什麼季節, 竹篙灣都是這麼美麗, 可惜她早已給可惡的米奇老鼠吃了 90%!!!! 現在眼前所看到的, 只是僅有的 10%天然美景....
Streams, rivers, wild flowers, landscape, seacoast..... The beauty of Penny's Bay always here no matter which season you come!! A pity is that..... Mickey Mouse ate up 90% of this beautiful place (for the ugly DisneyLand) and now what we can still see is the remaining 10% nature scenes....!!!!!

Now we were under the "feet" of Penny's Bay Highway and Sunny Bay Road.

Mickey Mouse train @ Tai Yam (a hill).

到了昂船凹, 準備再探古老村校.
Now we were @ Ngon Shuen Au, going to visit the old village school.

(上) 這裡便是昂船凹的古老村校入口, 前名叫 "嶼豐學校", 在 60年代是陰澳一帶居住的村童唯一的學校. 由於荒廢已久, 現在入口已全被大樹吞噬, 到處都佈滿蜘蛛網.
(下) "嶼豐學校" 停辦後, 附近建成了 "財利船廠", 廠主把 "嶼豐學校" 改為 "竹篙灣村文娛康樂室", 供船廠的職員使用. 竹篙灣村的前居民, 大多是船廠的職員, 當政府決定要填海來興建廸士尼樂園之後, "財利船廠" 便結束, 竹篙灣村給拆掉, 現在只剩下 "竹篙灣村文娛康樂室" 在昂船凹的叢林中了.
(Top) Here is the entrance of an old village school @ Ngon Shuen Au, named "Yue Fung School". It used to be the ONLY school for the children living in Yam O during the 1960s. Now the entrance is already "swallowed" by the trees, with spider webs everywhere.
(Bottom) After "Yue Fung School" was closed, "Choi Lee Shipyard" was opened nearby. The owner of the shipyard used the school building as a recreation centre for the staff, and re-named it as "Chuk Ko Wan Village Recreation Centre" (Chuk Ko Wan is the Cantonese name for Penny's Bay). But when the government had planned to use Penny's Bay for the construction of DisneyLand, the shipyard was closed and the whole Chuk Ko Wan village was torn down also, now ONLY this village house is still left behind inside the woods of Ngon Shuen Au.

今天的 "竹篙灣村文娛康樂室" (前 "嶼豐學校") 已變得殘破不堪....
來看 1992年健行之友拍下的 "嶼豐學校"!! 與 2012年所見的相比, 今天真的非常破落!!
Now the village school has become a mess.....
Have a look at the Yue Fung School in 1992 taken by Kinhang.org.hk!!! You can find that the place still looked very tidy at that time!!

向四白灣的方向步去.... 山後的住宅區便是愉景灣那一邊.
Now we were moving to Sei Pak Wan.... There are many buildings at the back of this mountain ... where are we now?? Oh!! The island @ the opposite side is Discovery Bay!!

Finally we could see Discovery Bay clearly from here!!

Went back to Inspiration Lake from Sea Point Road.

Man-made scenes everywhere @ Inspiration Lake.

Washroom @ Inspiration Lake..... Maybe Mickey Mouse will come out from here later....

Previous visits:~

http://blog.yahoo.com/tachibana-san/articles/78042 (2011)

http://blog.yahoo.com/tachibana-san/articles/77949 (2010)

http://blog.yahoo.com/tachibana-san/articles/77874 (2009)

http://blog.yahoo.com/tachibana-san/articles/77885 (2009, For Sei Pak Tsui)

