

馬屎洲大戰熱浪 (地質公園)
Fighting with Heatwave @ Ma Shi Chau Special Area (Geopark)
(大埔火車站→小巴 20K→三門仔總站→步行至馬屎洲→原路回三門仔→大埔火車站)
(Tai Po Market Railway Station→Minibus no. 20K→Sam Mun Tsai Minibus terminus→Walk to Ma Shi Chau Special Area→Back to Sam Mun Tsai→Tai Po Market Railway Station)

About Ma Shi Chau Special Area:

http://www.geopark.gov.hk/b5_landforms1l.html (中文)

http://www.geopark.gov.hk/en_landforms1l.html (ENG)

Last visit in May 2009:


Details of minibus no.20K (Chi only)


Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays: 05:00 - 24:30, comes every 4-15 minutes, HK$5.40
Minibus terminus near Tai Po Market Railway station, Sun Tat Plaza









今天是24節氣中的 "小暑", 難怪熱得像蒸籠!!!! 不過亦無礙大家的郊遊心情, 一於照去可也!! 大家在大埔火車站集合, 然後乘 20K小巴於三門仔下車, 沿三門仔新村前行, 在三門仔兒童遊樂場旁的樓梯上山, 前往馬屎洲地質公園.
Today is the day of "Minor Heat", (For the meaning of "Minor Heat", please refer to Chinese Solar Terms) the weather is fine but really very very hot, just like inside a steamer!!!
We became a team of warriors fighting with the heatwave @ the mountain!!! We gathered @ Tai Po Railway station, and then took a minibus no.20K for Sam Mun Tsai. After we had arrived, we walked along Sam Mun Tsai New Village and then we could see a children's playground near the end of the road. From there, just walk upstairs and there is a direction sign for Ma Shi Chau Special Area (Geopark).

上山途中, 會經過三門仔墳場, 大家會覺得今天似是來掃墓多點. 不過山上的景色甚美, 而且空氣非常清新.
There are many graves @ the hilltop, you will feel like you are going for "tomb-sweeping" rather than for hiking!! Yeah!! Here is the graveyard for the villagers of Sam Mun Tsai, sometimes you can even see lots of "jumbo jars" near the tombs, with bones in each of them!!! (If you can see a few jumbo jars put together, that means the whole family are buried there~ a kind of "family reunion", in another world)

Beautiful wild flowers everywhere~! Please DON'T pick!!

望向大埔.... 咦, 有寺院!! 如果沒有估計錯誤, 那兒應該是洞梓的慈山寺, 那裡正在興建一座高達76米的觀音像, 高度會是全世界第二位. (洞梓慈山寺觀音像)
Looking at Tai Po side.... Oh, we could see some temples there... what is this place?! If we havn't made any mistakes, that place should be Tung Tsz, those buildings should be part of Tsz Shan Temple (or Chi Shan Temple). There is something under construction~ it should be the 2nd highest Guan-yin statue (statue of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva) on Earth, with a height of 76 metres. (Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva Statue of Taipo)

這段泥路很斜, 雨天要非常小心!! 可見到馬屎洲了, 快點下山!!
This part is very steep and slippery especially on a rainy day!!!! Now we could see Ma Shi Chau island, go downhill from here!!

到了馬屎洲!! 這條原是連島沙堤, 但已給弄高了, 不用怕水漲!! 不過沙堤上充滿垃圾, 令人作嘔!!
Now we were @ Ma Shi Chau!! It used to be a tombolo, but now the sandy path is filled up with pebbles, so even it is high tide, you can still walk to the other side. But there's lots of rubbish on the path, mostly construction waste, really terrible!!!!

終於到達景色優美的馬屎洲特別地區, 此地有特殊地質研究價值, 謹記不要取走一沙一石.
Here we are @ Ma Shi Chau Special Area!!! This place is under protection, NEVER take away even a pinch of sand.

Wooow, see our star of the day!!

Many people came here for canoeing today!!

沿海邊走, 到地質公園的另一邊.
We walked along the seacoast for the other side of the geopark.

地質公園的另一邊有一墓園, 內有地藏菩薩.
There is a graveyard @ the other side of the geopark, with a statue of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva.

UFO cloud suddenly appeared!!

今天水漲, 不能再沿海邊前進, 拍了一些照片後便經山路回三門仔新村.
High tide this afternoon as we were moving along the seacoast, just a few more photos before we left.... then we went back to Sam Mun Tsai New Village via the mountain trail.

回到三門仔新村, 在避風塘旁稍作停留, 但因為天氣實太酷熱 (34C!!!!), 大家匆匆拍照後便跳上小巴回大埔.
We went near the typhoon shelter @ the fisherman village for some photos, but it was really very hot (34C here!!!), so we only stayed for a while and then rushed to the minibus terminus and back to Taipo railway station.

