

鰂魚涌地獄廚神大決鬥~~~ 戰地廚房大探秘
Citywalk @ Weekend: "Cooking Battle" for Chef of Hell @ Abandoned War-time Kitchen in Quarry Bay

(鰂魚涌地鐵站 A 出口→鰂魚涌市政大廈→柏架山道→山上的荒廢戰地廚房→康柏橋→基利路→南豐新村 & 康怡花園)
(Exit A of Quarry Bay MTR station→Quarry Bay Municipal Building→Mount Parker Road→Abandoned war-time military kitchen @ Mount Parker [Tai Tam Country Park-- Quarry Bay Extension]→Parker Bridge→Greig Road→Nam Fung Sun Chuen & Kornhill Garden)









今天來了一個 "鬧市小登山"!!! 我們選擇了 "柏架山", 因為很想看看一個在二次大戰時, 英軍所使用的爐灶~!


大家先在鰂魚涌地鐵站 A出口集合, 再向萬利廣場的方向前進. 當看見白色的行人天橋後 (在鰂魚涌市政大廈附近),
便會有 "柏架山道自然徑" 的指示牌. 沿柏架山道走, 會看到一小小的廟宇, 旁邊的行人路便是行山徑的起點.


Today, we didn't go to the countryside, but switched to a "City Walk"!! Sounds COOL?!?!
This time, we had our walk @ Mount Parker Road, in Quarry Bay, near King's Road!!! A REAL city walk!!
We had chosen this spot, because we wanted to have a look @ the abandoned "kitchen" @ the hillside, which was built for the Bristish army,
around 1938, during the war-time. But when the battle had started for 18 days, the British army was defeated by the Japanese troops,
and the "kitchen" @ Mount Parker was left there till now, nobody used it any more.

We started from Exit A of Quarry Bay MTR station, and then we walked along King's Road, for "Manly Plaza".
When you see the white "Pedestrian bridge", you can find the direction sign for "Mount Parker Road Green Trail",
just keep on walking and you also can find the "Quarry Bay Municipal Building", where you can stop to have a meal before your walk
(with food stalls inside).
Keep on walking along Mount Parker Road and you can see a little red temple nearby, the footpath next to it is the start point of the Green Trail.

重要景點:~ 林邊磚屋!! 可惜維修工程在進行中, 無緣一看.


An important scenic spot:~ The Woodside!! But a pity is that, it is undergoing maintenance work, so we could not go inside to have a look.

先往 "金督馳馬徑" 一探~ 昔日的港督金文泰很愛在此地騎馬, 全長8公里. 詳情: http://www.lcsd.gov.hk/healthy/hiking/b5/road_nature1.php


We had a look @ the Sir Cecil's Ride first:~ The former Governor of HK, Sir Cecil Clementi,
loved to have horse-riding @ this place! A total of 8 km in length!! For details: http://www.lcsd.gov.hk/healthy/hiking/en/road_nature1.php



A lovely dog welcoming us!!

往戰地廚房, 便要改道從 "鰂魚涌樹木研習徑" 出發.


We had to switch our way from here~ "Quarry Bay Tree Walk", in order to reach the abandoned "Military kitchen"

這裡便是戰地廚房!!! 真的很大啊!!!!


The Military Kitchen is right here!!! COOOOOOOL!!!!!!!! We had our "Chef of Hell" competition here, to find out who can make the most horrible dish!!!

往康山方向走, 途中的樹林景色優美, 真的難以相信我們仍身在市區!!!


Moved to the way for Kornhill, the scenes @ the woods are very attractive, we couldn't imagine we were in the urban area,
really felt like hiking @ the countryside!!

原來有另一組 "戰地廚房", 在山中的另一邊.


Another group of military stoves!!!!!!!!!!

康柏橋附近, 有非常清幽的石澗!!! 鬧市中的石澗, 太美妙了!!!


Woooow!!! A beautiful stream near Hong Pak Bridge!!! What a wonderful scene!!
A stream @ the urban area!!!

這裡是康柏橋, 恍如日劇中的景點. 附近有燒烤場及遊樂設施.


Here we are @ Hong Pak Bridge~ just like the beautiful scenes in Japanese drama!! There is a BBQ site nearby.

可通往南豐新邨的折徑!!! 有可愛的小狗也來郊遊!!!


A short-cut for Nam Fung Sun Chuen (Residential buildings at the back)!!! We met a super lovely "jumping" dog here!

燒烤場的路牌後面, 便是通往南豐新邨的折徑


The short-cut for Nam Fung Sun Chuen is just at the back of the road signs @ the Kornhill BBQ site.

我們沒有經過通往南豐新邨的折徑, 反而走到康怡花園.
終點在基利路, 佛教中華康山學校的旁邊.


We didn't walk via the short-cut for Nam Fung Sun Chuen, but turned to the way for Kornhill.
The end point is @ Greig Road, just next to Buddhist Chung Wah Kornhill Primary School.

