

勞動節遊大埔沙螺洞 (1-5-2011)
Visit to Sha Lo Tung village @ Tai Po 


(Tai Po Market Railway station→Bus Terminus→KMB Bus 74K→Get off @ Fung Yuen Road stop→Walk along Sha Lo Tung Road at the back of Fung Yuen Playground→Sha Lo Tung village→Downhill from the same road→Go to the opposite side for Tai Fat Street Bus stop for buses back to Taipo Market)

(Visiting tips for Sha Lo Tung)
精製地圖 Maps for Sha Lo Tung:
詳情 Details:
查詢:9854 5156
KMB 巴士 (全部由大埔墟火車站巴士總站出發, 時間請查詢www.kmb.com.hk ):
75K (大發街站下車, 要過對面鳳園遊樂場, 再沿鳳園遊樂場旁小路上山)
74K, 275 (鳳園路站下車, 鳳園遊樂場旁小路上山)

Hakka Cusine @ Sha Lo Tung
Address: 55, Cheung Uk village, Sha Lo Tung, Taipo, NT
Charge: HK$68 per head (Reservation is needed)
Tel: 9854 5156

Minibuses 20A/B/C (Green), get off at Fung Yuen Playground

KMB bus (All start from Taipo Market Bus stop, near railway station, please check the bus schedule @ www.kmb.com.hk ):

75K (get off from Tai Fat Street stop, near Taipo Industrial Estate, then go to the opposite side for Fung Yuen Playground, and then walk uphill via the footpath which is at the back of the playground)

74K, 275 (get off @ Fung Yuen Road stop, then walk uphill via the footpath which is at the back of Fung Yuen playground)
The footpath will lead to Sha Lo Tung Road, approx. 90 mins is needed to reach Cheung Uk village.


早上在大埔墟火車站乘坐74K 巴士, 在鳳園路下車, 之後在鳳園遊樂場後沿小路(即沙螺洞路)上山,


Take a bus (KMB 74K) from Taipo Market Bus Terminus, which is near the railway station. Then get off @ Fung Yuen Road stop.
Then walk to the back of Fung Yuen Playground and walk along the traffic road (Sha Lo Tung Road) to go up the hill.

沿沙螺洞路上山, 沿途全是森林區, 到處綠色一片, 但林內濕氣極重, 有點辛苦. 大約步行一小時, 可到達沙螺洞.


Uphill from Sha Lo Tung Road, it's really a forest track!! We were inside a big forest, with very high humidity that made us sweat, sweat and sweat!
Quite an exhausting walk due to the high humidity here, but just about one hour's walk, we were near Sha Lo Tung finally.


到達美如仙境的沙螺洞, 到處都是綠色, 我們給森林包住了!! 地上有正在瞑想中的癩蛤蟆一大隻, 癩蛤蟆想吃天鵝肉, 而花老B 想吃癩蛤蟆??


Now we were @ Sha Lo Tung, a GREEN paradise! We were hugged by a big forest!!! There's a meditating toad on the ground?!
Tachibana san was interested in the toad and wanted to play with it.

到了沙螺洞的張屋村入口, 有不少人早已駕車來了!! 小亭內休息一會, 本想洗手, 但原來這裡的洗手間是沒有水的!!! 要用水要步行到村內才有!!!


Lots of people had driven to the entrance of Cheung Uk village of Sha Lo Tung already!! We had a little bit rest at a pavilion outside the village.
But just notice that, the public toilet here is with NO flush water, and even NO tap water!! A hell!!!
The reason is because of "technical difficulties", it's NOT possible to build water-pipes / sewage pipes for this toilet!!
To get water, you have to go into the village. (So why a toilet here???)

沿黑色沙路進入沙螺洞張屋村, 在村內可見到"神農茶莊"的招牌, 有客家小菜, 小食和飲品供應.


Walk to Cheung Uk Village of Sha Lo Tung from the black sandy path. There's a signboard for "Shun Nung" food stall, which is providing Hakka cuisine to hikers.

沙螺洞有兩村, 張屋村及李屋村. 現在只有一戶人在張屋村居住, 不過他們也只是假日才回來, 平日這裡空無一人. 至於李屋村已荒廢多年, 村屋都找不到了.
我們試從往 "平山寨" 的方向進入李屋村一探, 發現山路上全是樹林, 不過有一條好像快要倒下的小橋(小心過橋!!), 亦有石級上山. 但村屋嘛, 連磚頭都找不到一片.
沙螺洞亦是著名的生態保育區, 有不少人特地來此拍攝蜻蜓及蝴蝶的照片!


There are 2 villages, Cheung Uk and Lei Uk in Sha Lo Tung. Now only ONE family still living in Cheung Uk. But they just come back once or twice a week for their food stall.
In the weekdays, NO people in this place. Lei Uk is completely abandoned and all the houses are "buried" in the forest.
There's a path to Ping Shan Chai which is also to Lei Uk. We tried to find out Lei Uk village this afternoon, but finally couldn't find a piece of brick!
The whole path is covered by trees, and there's a little bridge inside the forest, which is rotten and may break later.... be careful when you walk across the river!
Sha Lo Tung is also famous among photographers, for rare species of dragonflies and butterflies.
One thing to notice: There are lots of ants here, and they are very big and active also! Try NOT to step on them.

張屋村內探秘!! 有些屋子全給牽牛花吞噬, 我們還在一些廢屋中找到戶主的照片及古舊的煮食用具!!


Had fun in Cheung Uk village! Some houses are "swallowed" by morning glory, and we could find some old photos and old cooking utensils inside!

已是午飯時間, 來到張屋村的食堂, 在山中吃飯, 十分有風味. 今天有很多遊人在此吃飯, 非常熱鬧.


Now is lunch time!! We arrived the food stall of Cheung Uk village for lunch. It's a funny thing to eat in a forest, and there were lots of hikers here today, all enjoyed their lunch happily!

兩隻快樂的小狗(第3隻跑到林中玩.) + 美味的炒雜菌白菜粉絲 + 仍用柴火的簡陋廚房


2 happy dogs (the 3rd one was still playing in the woods!) && delicious made-to-order stir-fried mixed fungi, veg and Chinese vermicelli && an old-styled kitchen, with the use of firewood, no gas and an old stove made by a pile of bricks.

飯後在沙螺洞享受綠色天地及清涼小河, 之後才下山.


We had fun inside the Green paradise of Sha Lo Tung, and also sat near a river to escape from the heatwave, before we went downhill.

下山後步向對面的大埔工業村, 到大發街巴士站乘車回火車站.


Downhill and then walked to the opposite side for Tai Po Industrial Estate. Then walked to Tai Fat Street bus-stop, for a bus back to Tai Po Railway station.

