

大青洲之行~ 汲水門橋至草灣村
Visit @ Tai Tsing Chau~ Kap Shui Mun Bridge (Tsing-ma Bridge) to Tso Wan Village 

(E21A bus from Prince Edward→Tsing Ma Toll Plaza→Enter Catchwater→Kap Shui Mun Bridge→Sam Chuen Village→Tso Wan Village→Back to Tai Chuen Village {Foot of Kap Shui Mun Bridge}→Back to Tsing Ma Toll Plaza)


E21A 巴士, 太子出發, 於大嶼山的青馬收費廣場下車. 再向汲水門橋方向走, 至引水道有"不准進入" 指示牌, 經樓梯上山, 上高一點的位置, 會看到一鐵閘.


Took a bus (E21A) from Prince Edward, got off @ Tsing Ma Toll plaza, then walked to the direction of Kap Shui Mun Bridge.
There's a sign "No Entry". Just go upstairs until you see a gate on the slope.

鐵閘上的鐵枝已被剪斷, 進入後有小路, 步至看見有引水道設施後, 再接回近馬路的引水道, 便會看到汲水門橋. 步至有樓梯下山, 便可到達橋塔.


The wires of the gate were cut off. Go through this gate and then walk via the footpath until you can see catchwater facilites.
Then walk to the catchwater path near the North Lantau Highway and you'll see Kap Shui Mun Bridge. Keep on walking until you can find staircases to go downstairs.
Then you'll reach the "feet" of Kap Shui Mun Bridge.

再看到另一鐵閘. 打開閘進入, 向右上山, 可看到汲水門橋附近的美景. 步至第二個涼亭, 有山路可下山, 那是下去草灣的村路.


You'll see another gate. This is the entrance. Go inside and walk upstairs. You can see clearly the Kap Shui Mun bridge now.
Then keep on walking until you can see the 2nd pavilion. There's staircases downstairs, you can reach Tso Wan village from here.

可見到草灣(前) 及花坪灣(後)


Tso Wan (Front) and Fa Peng Bay (back)

穿越竹林, 到達草灣碼頭. 亦可看到三轉村的海邊, 今天很大浪.


Go through the bamboo forest and you can reach Tso Wan pier. You can also see the seaside of Sam Chuen village. The waves were very strong today.

一探草灣村, 內有菠蘿, 但村子已給樹木所吞噬, 很久沒有人回來了.


We played inside Tso Wan village. There are pineapples here!! But the whole village was nearly "swallowed" by the trees!!
Nobody has come here for a long time.

往花坪灣的山路, 非常陰森.


The way to Fa Peng bay, it was very dark today.

折回草灣, 回程時, 看到山上的花坪石!!


Back to Tso Wan from the dark forest track. We could see "Fa Peng Stone" on the top of Fa Peng!!

從另一邊小路離開, 小心大青洲惡犬!!! 最後返回緊急車道前 (在大橋關閉時用的車道)


Left from another way, but beware of the fierce dogs of Tai Tsing Chau!! Then we had reached the emergency traffic road,
which is in service when Kap Shui Mun bridge is closed during bad weather.

沿北大嶼山公路步向巴士站, 路經青馬管制區, 再乘巴士回市區.


Walk along North Lantau Highway and you'll pass TMCA (Tsing Ma Control Area), then take a bus for the city side.

