

Special Walk for Ching Ming Festival

Sightseeing on a misty day @ Tai Mo Shan, for the "Pearl" of HK's Highest mountain
九巴51號, 荃灣如心廣場出發(西鐵荃灣西站附近)
KMB bus no.51 @ Nina Tower, near Tsuen Wan West railway station
Total length:
Approx 9km (starts from M156 and ends @ M147, then back to M156)

大帽山資訊 Info. of Tai Mo Shan (975m):
http://www.hkwalkers.net/chi/longtrail/mtrail/mtrail/mtrail08.htm (Chi)
http://www.hkwalkers.net/eng/longtrail/mtrail/mtrail/mtrail08.htm (En)
地圖 Map:
http://www.hkwalkers.net/chi/pdf/longtrail/mtrail/m08map.pdf (Both EN and CHI)

Album (Click img to enlarge):


在西鐵荃灣西 D出口, 過對面的"如心廣場", 地下便是巴士站. 乘坐九巴 51號, 在"郊野公園" 站下車.

Started from Exit D of Tsuen Wan West (West Rail) station, crossed the road and got to the opposite side for Nina Tower.
A bus-stop right there! Take KMB bus no.51 and get off at "Country Park" stop, which is near the entrance of Tai Mo Shan Country Park and MacLehose Trail.

在荃錦公路上的荃錦管理站向川龍方向走, 很快便見 "大帽山郊野公園" 的指示牌, 沿 "遊客中心" 的方向從大帽山道 (車路) 向上行, 大約5-10分鐘便到遊客中心前.

From Route Twisk, walk to the direction for Chuen Lung, then you'll see the direction sign for "Tai Mo Shan Country Park" and "Visitor Centre", then walk uphill along Tai Mo Shan Road (a traffic road), you can reach the visitor centre in 5-10 mins.

沿大帽山道走, 景色優美. 但霧越來越濃, 大家在一野餐點小休時, 發現到處是露水, 可見大帽山的濕度極高.

We walked along Tai Mo Shan Road and the scenes were wonderful!! But it was very foggy here.
When we stopped at a picnic site for our breakfast, we could find waterdrops everywhere on the benches, plants and rocks. See how high the humidity was @ Tai Mo Shan!!

繼續向大帽山頂上行, 車路已在濃霧之中. 此時接回麥理浩徑, 中途可見有荒廢軍用小屋. 在殖民地年代, 這裡曾是英軍的駐守點之一.

Kept on walking upwards along Tai Mo Shan Road and also for MacLehose Trail. The road was already "swallowed" by the fog, we could see an abandoned old military house along the road.
During the time when HK was under the British governance, Tai Mo Shan was used as one of the military sites!!

到了山上的停車場, 亦是禁區的入口. 停車場旁有小路可往川龍及青年旅社 "施樂園", 我們決定回程時才去一探.
"危險道路"的入口可通向大帽山的山頂, 亦是有名的 "大帽明珠" 氣象站 (有一只白色的球體氣象探測器).
大家可從"危險道路" 的牌子後進入, 再接回麥理浩徑, 步上大帽山的山頂.

Now we had reached the parking area of Tai Mo Shan, from here, there's a path to Chuen Lung and Sze Lok Yuen Youth Hostel, we would have a look for this place later.
THere's another sign showing "Dangerous Road", which is restricted for cars but still ok for hikers. At the back of this big sign, we could be back to our track for MacLehose Trail,
and then moved upwards for the top of Tai Mo Shan, where there's a white "Pearl" (actually it's a tool for collecting weather data by the HK Observatory) as a "sightseeing spot".

從M152 開始, 路上大霧濃得十分利害, 看M151 附近, 樹葉上全是水, 而且因高度的關係 (接近海拔900米!!!), 風越來越大, 隊友有溫度計, 在地面時大約18度, 現在只有13度!!!!!!!!

Started from M152, the fog became much thicker than before!! We could see all the plants "sticking" with waterdrops near M151!!!
The wind was very strong, the temperature here was 13C, where it was 18C on the ground!! Now we were at a height of near 900 metres above sea level.

無奈只有霧... 拍不到好照片...

We couldn't take good photos because of the fog... a pity...

有幸見到美麗的高山蒲公英!!! 水珠滿佈, 像在雪地一樣!!! 好美呢!! 據一山友說, 這種高山蒲公英一般只在海拔1500 米以上的高地才出現, 在香港是很難得一見!!

Woow!! Beautiful Highland Dandelion!!! With waterdrops around, just like a snowflake!!
A hiker told us that highland dandelions usually live on highlands which are over 1500 metres above sea level. So it is VERY RARE in HK!!
We were so lucky to take photos for it today!!

到了 M147, 即是山頂, 這裡大約是海拔 950米!! (因為最頂的部份 975米之處是天文台的用地, 不能再上) 花老B 後面有飛碟???
非也, 那是有名的 "大帽明珠" (天文台的儀器). 但因給大霧所掩, 只能影到它的身影, 不過, 真有點像UFO!!!

Now we were at M147, the highest point we can reach (here about 950 metres above sea level, the MOST highest point is occupied by HK Observatory and NOT allowed to enter).
UFO at the back of Tachibana san? Hahaha!!!! It's actually the Pearl Of Tai Mo Shan, which is used for collecting weather data by the HK Observatory. But as it was very foggy today,
we could only take a photo of the Pearl's shadow, but it really looked like a UFO!!!!

"大帽明珠" 旁是一禁區, 從前是英軍的軍營. 不過, 今天仍是不准進入, 只能在外一看. 忽然有一只像綿羊的狗在霧中出現, 牠從軍營走出來看著我們.
牠長得很可愛, 但非常骯髒, 希望軍營的管理員快給牠洗澡.

There's a Closed area next to the "Pearl of Tai Mo Shan", which used to be a site for former British army, now still NOT allowed to enter.
Suddenly a sheep-like dog came out from the mist and looked at us curiously. The dog is very cute but very very dirty!! Hope the people @ the military site can give it a bath and a hair-cut,
it is very lovely and shouldn't be so dirty like this.

這裡可往鉛礦坳, 附近有直昇機坪.

Here's the way for Lead Mine Pass, and a helicopter pad here also.

下山時霧漸散, 風景真美.

The mist was disappearing gradually when we walked down from the top of Tai Mo Shan. The scenes were wonderful.

下山至停車場, 從往川龍的方向前進, 這裡亦是通向香港青年旅舍的其中一個營地 "施樂園" 的小徑. 此小徑位置較偏僻, 即使是假日亦很少遊人.
2004年, 這裡曾發生2 位英國女營友被拉到山邊強暴一事, 之後更令遊人卻步. 即使是資深山友亦很少會來這裡.
不過此地風景像油畫般美, 比大帽山那邊更美. 不說, 還以為置身於英國的森林!!!! 還加插小瀑布, 小橋流水, 叫人驚嘆.

Down to the car-park @ Tai Mo Shan. Then we walked to the way for Chune Lung, which is also the direction to Sze Lok Yuen Youth Hostel, a place for camping.
The way to the hostel is far away from the main hiker-path, so it's rarely visited by hikers, even during public holidays.

There was a rape case reported in 2004 here ~ 2 British young campers were pulled to the hillside and being sexually abused by 2 South Asian men,
when they were going back to the hostel from Route Twisk at night.

But in daytime, this place is really so beautiful and hard to say "NO" at all.

The forest track is just like a painting, with a waterfall and a little rusted bridge nearby, you may think that you were in the forests of UK!

往川龍的山路, 靜得有點嚇人.

The way to Chuen Lung is so silent... makes us a little bit scared.

"施樂園" 前~ 營舍已鎖上, 但卻亮著燈!!!! 我們大叫, 但沒有任何人回應, 應該沒有人在. 這裡有點陰森, 加上山下不斷傳來像風笛的音樂 (可能是清明, 掃墓的人吹奏的音樂, 因為有很多墓地在川龍那邊), 但又看不見有人!!!
在這裡, 感覺像那些恐怖片中, 變態殺手潛入女生宿舍大開殺戒的氣氛一樣!!! 很可怕, 大家都沒有久留.

Sze Lok Yuen hostel was locked but the lights still ON!!!! We shouted at the entrance but nobody answered, and we didn't hear any sound from the hostel at all....
There was strange music from bagpipes all around the forest in a sudden!! But we couldn't see anybody around!!

I think because today was Ching Ming Festival, those music actually was from Chinese "Di-dar" (Chinese musical instrument which sounds like oboe or bagpipes, used in funerals or tomb-sweeping day), by tomb-sweepers !!

As there are lots of people living in Chuen Lung side (and also with lots of graves!!), the strange music was from there!

But don't know why we all could feel that, we were just like in those horror movies, with a psycho guy broke into a women's hostel and killed all the girls!
The feeling near Sze Lok Yuen hostel is just like this!! (Maybe we were scared by those movies???) So we didn't stay long, just left after taking some photos. :P

回大帽山, 此地雖陰森, 但風景很美, 很希望能在施樂園旅舍住一晚!!!

Back to Tai Mo Shan... Sze Lok Yuen is a wonderful place, although it looks a little bit scary!! I hope we can rent a room and stay here one night!
It's a suitable place for "Horror stories' Sharing" and talking about UFOs and Aliens (Especially during cold winter nights! With strong wind tapping the windows!!)!!!
I love it!!

大帽山上閒遊~ 有一對勇敢的夫婦在崖邊拍結婚照!!!! 他們應該很喜歡行山吧!!!!

Wondering around @ Tai Mo Shan~ there was a brave couple having their wedding photos @ the cliff!!!! So brave!! I think they love hiking very much.

下山回荃錦公路, 乘51號巴士回荃灣. 巴士站旁 (亦是麥理浩徑的入口) 開滿了美麗的綠色鮮花, 有誰知道是什麼花呢??

Back to Route Twisk and waited for bus no.51 for going back to Tsuen Wan (The entrance of MacLehose Trail also). There were beautiful green flowers blooming, what kind of flowers are these?

