

大城石澗 + 城門水塘攝影遊
Photo-hunting walk @ Shing Mun Reservoir & Tai Shing Stream, Tsuen Wan

(no.82 minibus @ Shiu Wo Street→Shing Mun Country Park→Pineapple Nature Trail→Shing Mun Reservoir→Tai Shing Stream→Shing Mun Jogging Path→Leave from the same path)

Trail to attempt:
(Chi) 菠蘿壩自然教育徑
(EN) Pineapple Dam Nature Trail
(衛奕信徑第7段 Wilson Trail Stage 7)
(EN & Chi) 相關地圖 Map for ref

交通 Transportation:
兆和街乘坐82號小巴, 城門水塘總站下車
Mini-bus no.82 @ Shiu Wo Street, Tsuen Wan, to the destination outside Shing Mun Reservoir:
(Chi) 交通資訊
(En) Transportation details
前往大城石澗, 從城門水塘經過菠蘿壩自然教育徑,再接兩旁種滿白千層樹的水塘石屎林徑,見到公廁再行一會便到了石屎橋~石澗的入口

For Tai Shing Stream, keep on walking from the end point of Pineapple Dam Nature Trail. Then walk to the North, until you can see a little forest of Paper Bark trees and a stone bridge nearby, and that place is the "entrance" (Lower part) of Tai Shing Stream.
(There should be a public toilet at that place)

Album (Click to enlarge):

今天天氣甚佳, 早上10:10, 於荃灣兆和街乘坐 82號小巴, 在總站即 "城門郊野公園" 下車. 附近有小食亭, 小巴站旁的樓梯, 便是 "菠蘿壩自然教育徑" 的入口.
亦有遊客中心, 可供參觀.


Fine and warm today. 10:10am, we took a minibus no.82, from Shiu Wo Street @ Tsuen Wan. We all got off @ the destination, that's "Shing Mun Country Park".
There's a kiosk nearby, you can buy snacks and drinks, or even can eat some instant noodles.
The staircases next to the mini-bus stop is the entrance of "Pineapple Dam Nature Trail", and there's a visitor centre upstairs also.

(ONLY open on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays)

菠蘿壩自然教育徑在此, 是一條甚有自然氣息的山徑.


Here we were @ Pineapple Dam Nature Trail!! A very nice mountain path, full of the scent of nature.

忽然有怪聲從樹上傳出.... 原來是猴子!! 在山路上, 又遇上幾頭友善的牛, 小牛對花老 B 很有興趣, 想咬下他的帽子.


Some strange noises from the tree.... Oh!! A monkey was there!!! Then we also met a few friendly cows in the woods,
the little cattle was very interested in Tachibana san, even wanted to have his hat.

經過森林, 已可看到"城門水塘", 絕對是五星級美景!! 今天非常溫暖, 森林中所經之處, 樹上全部都是猴子!!
有不少是小猴, 牠們在樹枝上爬來爬去, 非常可愛!! 其中一只小猴還在撒尿, 我們立即閃避!!

城門貯水池が見えた!ながめがいい!!!今日は暖かかったから、たくさん サルたちは森で遊んだ!

When we walked through the forest area, we could see the beautiful Shing Mun Reservoir!! As it was very warm and sunny today,
we found that monkeys were sitting on all the trees around!! There were many baby monkeys playing on the branches, they were very very cute!!
One of the little monkeys suddenly pissed, luckily we escaped in one second!!!

菠蘿壩自然教育徑很短, 在終點旁, 向左會接入"龍門郊遊徑" 前往川龍. 我們選了向右, 即是環繞 "城門水塘" 的小路 (水塘徑的起點), 向水塘方向前進.


Pineapple Dam Nature Trail is short (0.8km) and we quickly arrived the end point. There are 2 ways to go at the end of the nature trail.
You can turn left, which is leading to Lung Mun Country Trail, to Chuen Lung side. The path at the right-hand side, which is built along the reservoir is the start point of the "Reservoir Walk".
We could see the beautiful scene of the reservoir!!

沿水塘徑前行, 大約5分鐘便可達 "5號郊遊點", 旁邊有野餐點, 大家在此小休一會, 便進入甚有韓國文藝片feel (我最討厭) 的 "白千層森林", 一直前走便可.


Walked along the "Reservoir Walk" and you can reach no.5 Picnic site in less than 5 mins. We had a little bit rest here, had some snacks and drinks.
Then we kept on walking and passed through the "Romantic" Paper Bark Forest (Just like the scenes from those terrible Korean love stories)!!!!!!!

離開白千層森林後, 路上有"秘道", 旁有警告牌~ 危險?! 更要下去一看!! 原來可接近水塘!! 風景超級美麗, 不來是你的損失!!


Leaving the Paper Bark Forest and we could see a warning sign and a "secret path" along the Reservoir Walk~
Danger?! This is the reason we must have a look, to see how "dangerous" it is!! We quickly walked downwards and we could find our paradise here!!
We were very close to the reservoir, even could walk near the water!! NO Regret At All if you come down here!!

終於見到有公廁!!! 對面是"郊遊點 6號", 亦有小亭一座. 先不要趕著離開, 從小亭旁的樓梯下走, 會看到有趣的東西!!


Finally we found a public toilet!! And "Picnic Site no.6" is nearby, with a pavilion for a short break!!
Don't leave at this moment, just walk downstairs near the pavilion, there's something more interesting ahead!!

從小亭下來, 接入林徑, 向前走, 會看到另一個在河邊的警告牌. 旁有小橋, 走過石塊, 便會進入香港九大石澗之一的~ "大城石澗" 的下游!!


What's so interesting here? Just walk downwards from the pavilion, you'll enter a short forest path. Keep on moving and you'll see another warning sign!
Then walk over a pile of rocks at the back of the warning sign, you'll see a bridge in front of you and a very big river here also.
Then you can enter one of the famous hiking spots in HK~ Tai Shing Stream, which is also one of the large nine streams in HK!!!

大城石澗一直是非常有名的郊遊熱點!! 從昔日60-70 年代開始, 直至今天, 仍然有很多人來此"遊山玩水".
大城石澗風景優美, 下游有很多大石, 可以在水邊一行!! 不過向中游以後便開始深入險地了....
大家仍需留意, 這裡其實水很深, 雨季後更要小心, 因為此地曾有不少人意外淹死, 即使下游亦水深不淺. 小心小心!!! 我們上回橋上再向前走.


Tai Shing Stream is a very famous hiking spot in HK!!! From 1960-70s, it already is a "HOT" spot for stream-climbing and hiking.
The scenes here are very very beautiful, and there are large rocks at the lower stream which let the hikers walk along the stream easily.
But from the middle part of the stream, you'll find yourself more difficult to move forward and more and more dangerous also.
The water is quite deep even at the lower stream (especially during the rain season), there were lots of fatal accidents here, even at the lower stream.
Take GREAT care when you are playing at this place!! Then we went back to the bridge and moved forward for more interesting places.

一直走到"半閒亭", 孫悟空出現了!! 是的, 牠是今天所見最大的猴子, 表情多多, 非常生鬼!! 孫悟空對我們出盡法寶, 做出多個古怪表情, 希望能得到一些零食.
得不到後, 牠索性跟我們一起坐在亭內. 但牠見仍得不到其他食物後, 便突然張大咀巴, 口水流滿地, 還作勢要走來拿走花老 B!!!!
嚇得大家即跑, 剩下孫悟空獨自在亭內.


When we arrived a pavilion "Pun Hang Ting" (半閒亭), Monkey King suddenly appeared!! He's the biggest monkey we had met today!
Monkey King looked very funny, and he kept on making many funny facial expressions in order to make us laugh and then give him food!
But when he couldn't get any from us, he jumped up and sat with us in the pavilion. And he suddenly opened his mouth and started salivating!!
(His saliva poured out to the ground!!!!!!!)
As he kept on staring Tachibana san and wanted to "kidnap" him, we all ran away, leaving Monkey King alone in the pavilion.

大家再前行, 來到"城門緩跑徑"~!! 這裡是上山的路, 天氣又熱, 大家都流大汗!! 來到針山的入口, 大家都熱得不想動. 不過為了要看水塘主壩, 便再前進.
但到了4000米的指示牌附近, 才發現仍有一段路要走, 大家不再支持, 原路折返.


We walked and walked until we reached "Shing Mun Jogging Trail"~ this part is upwards and so we all sweated!!! It was very hot this afternoon,
when we arrived the "entrance" for the way to Needle Hill, we all wanted to go back!! But we still moved a little bit because of the Main Dam.
But when we saw the 4000M sign (we had walked for 4km already), we discovered that there's still a long way to go!!!
Finally we gave up and "evacuated" to the way we came.

4000米指示牌~ 大家已走了4000米!! 天氣太熱, 山徑很悶熱, 大家的水又快給渴光, 被迫回程.


Here's the 4000M sign! We had walked for 4km already!! But it was very hot this afternoon and not much water left, we had to give up....

回程路中, 發現一隱閉河流, 大家停下洗一洗手.


When we went back to the start point, we discovered a big river under a mountain path with nobody nearby!!
The water was so clear, we sat down for a while and washed our hands.

終於回到菠蘿壩自然教育徑的終點, 下山回小巴站!! 下山途中又見石澗, 忍不住在石澗旁小休.


Now we were at the end point of Pineapple Dam Trail, the time for going back to the main entrance for a minibus!!
But when we saw a stream nearby, we couldn't stop rushing to it and sat down for a rest again.



Back to the way for mini-bus.



One monkey family

猴子族的老大??? 坐姿非常粗豪.


Head of the monkey tribe??? His posture looked very COOOL!

天氣回暖, 滿山是猴子!!


Very warm today, monkeys everywhere @ the mountain!!!!!!!!

車路上亦坐滿猴子!!! 一對母子猴在一起, 媽媽忽然拉著小猴的頭.... "媽媽, 扯得我很痛啊!!"


Monkeys along the traffic road!!! Mother and Baby monkeys!!! The mother suddenly pulled the baby's hair~ "Mom, it hurts!!!"



A very lovely baby monkey!!

燒烤場附近有很多猴子, 旁有警告牌, 請大家不要虐待猴子!!!


A warning slogan near the barbeque site where monkeys usually gather~ It's an offense for cruelty against monkeys!!!!

